Small Molecules Analysis & QC

Small molecule method development and analysis which includes medicinal chemistry, metabolite identification, impurity profiling, drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics, are key to the success of pharmaceutical quality control and assurance. Successful testing and release of small molecule drugs is dependent on efficient analytical tools, validation guidelines and practices.
There are several methods available for the separation of small molecules and their identification. Some include wet chemistry, high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), gas chromatography (GC), thin-layer chromatography (TLC), capillary electrophoresis (CE), nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) and mass spectrometry (MS).
Contact our analytical expert today and get advanced support on method development and workflow tools for accurate and reproducible small molecule analysis.
Related Technical Articles
- Identify and correct common HPLC problems to restore column performance. Get help with peak problems (peak splitting, peak tailing, peak fronting, etc.), retention time, purge noise, and loss of resolution with example chromatograms.
- HPLC method to analyze ephedrine HCl and pseudoephedrine HCl in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) with a Purospher® RP-18e colμmn to report chromatographic data, linearity, specificity and repeatability and LOD and LOQ.
- Reliable identification and quantification of unknown extractables of a single-use system (SUS) with a 21 component CRM mix for liquid chromatography (LC-UV/MS) methods using Ascentis® C18 column.
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Related Protocols
- Under applied conditions, system suitability criteria are met, and the Chloroquine Phosphate HPLC Assay and Impurity Profiling Methods demonstrate good resolution/selectivity, reproducibility, and sensitivity.
- We offer the tools for the analysis of the metabolites; including certified reference standards, enzymes, substrates, and chromatographic products.
- Folic acid or folate is classified as a B vitamin (B9). Folic acid is synthetically produced, and used in fortified foods and supplements. Folate is converted by humans to dihydrofolate (dihydrofolic acid), tetrahydrofolate (tetrahydrofolic acid), and other derivatives, which have various biological activities.
- Chiral Method Development Strategies for HPLC
- This paper illustrates the setting up of a Lopinavir assay following European pharmacopoeia guidelines (10.2), and using a shorter column packed with smaller particles. The described assay saves valuable time and improves separation efficiency, which typically translates to better method performance.
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Find More Articles and Protocols
Related Resources
- Flyer: A Quick Guide to Successful Dissolution Testing
From development to drug release, this interactive PDF outlines a range of reliable, consistent filters and reagents for dissolution testing protocol.
- Analytix Reporter: Pharma Analysis & QC
This serie of technical articles of the Analytix Reporter special edition outlines biologics characterization being performed in the LC-MS lab.
- Brochure: Secure your Pharma QC
This capabilities brochure outlines our extensive pharma analysis & QC portfolio and how our expertise and services can support all workflow steps.
- Brochure: A Practical Guide to HPLC: Develop Your Method with Confidence
Get extensive details on developing and optimizing your HPLC method, including column and mobile phase selection, and troubleshooting.
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