Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) and QuEChERS

Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) is a technique designed for rapid and selective sample preparation and purification, prior to chromatographic analysis. The multitude of available phase chemistries can be packed into an array of hardware formats such as individual cartridges, 96-well plates, and QuEChERS tubes (dispersive SPE), which can be processed using a vacuum manifold and dedicated accessories.
Related Product Resources
Application Note: LC-MS Analysis of PFAS Compounds in EPA 533 after Supelclean™ ENVI-WAX™ SPE Cleanup
Brochure: Solid Phase Extraction Products
Brochure: Supel™ QuE QuEChERS
Brochure: HybridSPE® Phospholipid Removal Technology for Biological Matrices
Flyer: Supel™ Swift HLB – DPX Tips
Application Note: Simplified LC-MS/MS Method for Glyphosate, AMPA and Glyfosinate in Oat-based Cereals
Selection Guide: Supel™ QuE for QuEChERS
Flyer: DPX HybridSPE® Tips
Flyer: Supel™ Swift HLB SPE Cartridges
Technical Article: Analysis of Drugs of Abuse in Urine After Cleanup with New Supel™ Swift HLB Solid Phase Extraction 96-well plates
Technical Article: Simplified LC-MS/MS Method for Glyphosate, AMPA, and Glufosinate in Oat-Based Cereals

SPE Cartridges
We offer a diverse range of SPE-phase chemistries and cartridges ideal for many applications including pharmaceutical, clinical, food and beverage, environmental, petrochemical, and agriculture. The phase chemistry selection allows users to screen for the retention and selectivity required to achieve sample preparation objectives.

SPE Well Plates
Our SPE plates allow users to process up to 96 samples simultaneously for increased reproducibility and throughput, while maintaining excellent recoveries and increased sensitivity. 96-well plates offer compatibility with multi-channel pipettors and automation and are available with silica sorbent and polymeric adsorbent.

The “QuEChERS” (Dispersive SPE, dSPE) method has emerged as a popular sample preparation technique in the area of multi-residue pesticide analysis for food and agricultural products. The QuEChERS technique offers the advantage of higher recoveries, accurate results, and high sample throughput.

DPX® Tips
Dispersive Pipette Extraction (DPX) tips provide an in tip solution for complete sample preparation that can be easily automated to achieve extraction in seconds. HybridSPE® sorbent material is loosely contained within a tip, for selective retention and removal of endogenous phospholipid interferences from biological matrices for LC-MS or LC-MS/MS analysis.

The key benefits of using a polymeric stationary phase extraction (SPE) material over traditional silica-based materials include a wider pH range, a spherical shape to create column-to-column consistency, and more.
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